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White For

 Karl Karner, Linda Samaraweerová, Royl Culbertson, Rosi Rehformen


Oggetti, persone e ambiente, sono i semplici elementi da cui Karl Karner, artista visivo, e Linda Samaraweerová, performer e coreografa, partono per la realizzazione di White For, perfomance, o scultura dinamica polimorfica e cangiante, capace di immergerci invece in uno scenario decisamente astruso. Partendo da diverse provenienze disciplinari, e ausiliati dagli interventi dei sound artist Rosi Rehformen e Royl Culbertson, Karner e Samaraweerová procedono in uno stravolgimento di cose e gesti, dispiegando una successione di rotture distorsive del repertorio comportamentale e del campionario d’arredo, che alla prima apparenza poteva sembrare familiare, e spodestando in questo modo il primato della ‘usabilità'. Immersi in un paesaggio artificiale/naturale abitato da canne di bambù, pezzi di plastica e componentistica varia, convertitori catalitici e una mountain bike, i quattro artisti viennesi sviluppano nell'insieme dei paesaggi sonori e dei pattern comportamentali assurdi, allo steso tempo spaventosi e ironici.

ideazione & coreografia Karl Karner e Linda Samaraweerová
performers Royl Culbertson, Karl Karner, Rosi Rehformen, Linda Samaraweerová
produzione KASAL col supporto di MA7 Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien e bm:ukk

How does the immediate environment affect a person’s being? How much does it affect our action? In White For the fine artist Karl Karner and the choreographer Linda Samaraweerová question the logics of participation in a familiar and felt environment. People and objects are understood here as equal actors: not only the person but also “things” construct and form the behaviour patterns. With materials and strategies of each of their artistic disciplines, the objects and spaces are grasped in their original form and function and manipulated until they are distorted and thereby reveal the inherent social orders and developments. Together with the sound artists Rosi Rehformen and Royl Culbertson, Karner and Samaraweerová get things on stage to speak. Between bamboo sticks, plastic components, catalytic converters and a mountain bike and in interaction with the performers, sound landscapes and structures thus develop that are simultaneously absurd, frightening, poetic and humorous.

concept & choreography Karl Karner and Linda Samaraweerová
performers Roy Culbertson, Karl Karner, Rosi Rehformen, Linda Samaraweerová
production KASAL with the support of MA7 Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien and bm:ukk