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Simple Proposition

 Compagnie 7273


prima italiana

Due danzatori esplorano lo spazio nudo, illuminato a giorno, senza oggetti, senza danza, in un vuoto pieno di tensione. Simple Proposition presenta una successione aleatoria di immagini, pose e gesti spezzati, isolati dall'economia del movimento. Le proposte che si susseguono cercano di dare all'oggetto la propria forma, la propria ragion d'essere, ma la risoluzione in un possibile ordine ritrovato è continuamente sottratta. Restano briciole, ritagli, sezioni e frammenti che finiscono per formare un insieme, una partitura. I gesti dei due danzatori che si aggrappano alle loro posizioni: ciascuno in cerca del proprio posto, inciampando, avvicinandosi, disfando le figure ai bordi della scena, gravitando nell'orbita dell'altro, che resta inaccessibile. L'energia e la forza fisica, imbottigliate nei corpi aspettano di invadere lo spazio circostante.

Simple Proposition
ideazione, coreografia, interpreti  Laurence Yadi,  Nicolas Cantillon
suono Eric Linder
disegno luci  Daniel Demont
collaborazioni artistiche Daniel Demont, Edouard Levé e João Fiadeiro
produzione Compagnie 7273, Château Rouge - Annemasse (F)e Villa Bernasconi - Lancy (CH), col sostegno di Ville de Genève - Département des affaires culturelles, DRAC Rhône-Alpes, Pro Helvetia - Arts Council of Switzerland, Fondation Nestlé pour l’Art, Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation Fonds Mécénat SIG, Schweizerische Interpreten-Stiftung

italian première

The dance company 7273 has a penchant for titles that are acute and a bit naïve. A simple proposal, after all, doesn't rely on anything. Simple Proposition presents a succession of broken images, poses and gestures, isolated through economy of movement and privy to an immediate randomness. Two dancers explore the naked space: day-lit, objectless, danceless, in a void full of tension. The proposals they suggest on stage are connected according to an imperative order that strives to give each object its proper form, its proper reason for being. But every time the resolved order has just found itself again it inevitably flies apart, exhausting any 'nostalgia' for an outcome. The explosions of movement, isolated, create a strange atmosphere of expectation. Energy and physical forces, bottled in the bodies, wait to invade the surrounding space. They remain crumbs, scraps, sections and fragments that end up forming a unity, an order, a score. The gestures of the two dancers grappling for their positions  are written in the re-established climate of the performance: each one searching for the proper place, stumbling, approaching, undoing the figures on the edges of the stage, gravitating toward the orbit of the other, who remains inaccessible.

Simple Proposition
concept, choreography, interpretation:  Laurence Yadi,  Nicolas Cantillon
sound:  Eric Linder
light design:  Daniel Demont
artistic collaboration:  Daniel Demont, Edouard Levé and João Fiadeiro
production:  Compagnie 7273, Château Rouge - Annemasse (F)e Villa Bernasconi - Lancy (CH), with support from Ville de Genève - Département des affaires culturelles, DRAC Rhône-Alpes, Pro Helvetia - Arts Council of Switzerland, Fondation Nestlé pour l’Art, Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation Fonds Mécénat SIG, Schweizerische Interpreten-Stiftung