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The Quiet Dance

 Matteo Fargion, Jonathan Burrows


prima italiana

C'è qualcosa di laconico ed elegiaco nell'assenza di immagini in The Quiet Dance. Burrows e Fargion tracciano e cancellano dei segni fantasmatici per gli occhi e le orecchie esplorando la relazione tra passo e suono. Propongono un gioco inventato, dalle logiche incomprensibili, davanti al quale restiamo confusi ma inchiodiamo lo sguardo seguendo questa danza 'come se fosse vernice fresca che si asciuga'. Una commedia concettuale (forse), dall'estetica inclassificabile, che attrae per la sua forza disarmante e per la mancanza di arroganza di questi due uomini maturi. Danza artritica in cui si può intravedere Beckett, Nijinski, Gilbert & George, strani rituali o l'umanità a 45 giri. Ma fermiamoci: The Quiet Dance è solo quello che dice di essere.

The Quiet Dance
produzione Dance 4 Nottingham, Dance Umbrella London, Joint Adventures Munich, Kaaitheater Brussels  col sostegno di Arts Council England e Jonathan Burrows Group

italian premiere

Choreographer Jonathan Burrows and composer Matteo Fargion are known for the humor and musicality they use to construct scenes of intense, quiet communication. With the absence of images, The Quiet Dance has a laconic, elegiac quality. Here the two present an invented game, with an incomprehensible logic, before which we're left confused yet fascinated, watching the dance 'as if it were freshly drying paint'. Between calculation and intuition, Burrows and Fargion unlock and lock what's presented before our eyes and ears, exploring the relation between step and sound. A conceptual comedy (perhaps) from an unclassifiable aesthetic that attracts by its disarming force and by the absence of arrogance in these two mature men. Arthritic dance that calls to mind Beckett, Nijinski, bizarre ritual dances, or humanity at 45. But wait: The Quiet Dance is only what it claims to be.

The Quiet Dance
produced by  Dance 4 Nottingham, Dance Umbrella London, Joint Adventures Munich, Kaaitheater Brussels with support from the Arts Council England and Jonathan Burrows Group