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Intervento Divino

 Elia Suleiman


Intervento Divino dolce-amaro film del regista cinematografico palestinese Elia Suleiman è un ritratto surreale del crescente conflitto in Medio-Oriente affrontato con humor sovversivo e un certo understatement. Suleiman, anche protagonista del film, in transito continuo tra i checkpoint di Gerusalemme e Ramallah, imbastisce una storia comica e geniale alla Jacques Tati che mostra la situazione umana dei territori occupati cambiando sguardo alla politica.

A bitter-sweet film by the Palestinian director, Elia Suleiman, Divine Intervention is a surreal portrait of the growing conflict in the Middle East, directed with subversive humour and subtle understatement. Suleiman, who also plays the lead role in the film, has created a hilarious and touching story in the style of Jacques Tati, offering darkly comic insights into the reality of day to day life and relationships in the Occupied Territories – and opening our eyes to a new interpretation of the political situation there.