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Observing the Observers

 Alexander Petlura


prima nazionale performance

Alexander Petlura presenta una produzione realizzata a Bologna per il festival con la formazione italiana Open. La performance Observing the Observers è un tuffo nell'universo folle di questo straordinario artista russo che ha accumulato abiti e accessori recuperati, dando vita a una collezione unica nel suo genere che copre gran parte del XX secolo (in quasi 30 anni ha collezionato 2000 paia di scarpe, 1500 abiti, 1000 pezzi di biancheria, 3000 accessori di vario tipo e oltre 2000 oggetti quotidiani). Per mettere in scena queste reliquie del passato, umili testimoni dei rivolgimenti sociali ed economici di URSS e Russia, Petlura fa sfilare dei modelli improvvisati, reclutati per questo scopo. Uno sguardo bizzarro e penetrante sulla società.   

Observing the Observers
ideazione e testi Alexander Petlura
interpreti Alexander Petlura, Yuri Fedorin, Natalja Koudriavtseva, Katrin Rathaert, Valeria Di Modica, Ennio Ruffolo, Stefano Questorio, Andrea Fidelio, Muna Mussie, Davide Savorani, Silvano Voltolina, Alessandro Soresini, Federica Sintini, Maud Dreano, Anna Voltolina, Francesca Calafiore
costumi  Alexander Petlura, Natalja Koudriavtseva
produzione Deficit! - Festival Internazionale sullo Spettacolo Contemporaneo

Italian première performance

"My dear friends, so I have been invited to your country, Italy. Now let me invite you on a trip to the fields and meadows of my country, where people cry and laugh to the tune of an accordion, where balalaikas, Russian nesting dolls, dollars, and the Virgin Mary embody the "national values" against a backdrop of high-rise banks and glowing golden domes; where people still venture into space but children no longer dream of becoming cosmonauts."  (A. Petlura)

Observing the Observers is a production that will take place purpusely for the festival under the conduction of the Ukrainian Muscovite artist Alexander Petlura with the Italian performers of Open. The performance sketches life in Russia on the basis of costumes, accessories, shoes and objects from his bizarre collection. For the last 25 years, Petlura has been accumulating a vast collection of trash, with a preference for items from the Soviet era before perestroika. This material forms the basis of his low-fi performances, which are halfway between fashion shows, stage plays and exhibitions. In his performances the bygone Soviet times are being convincingly revived including the music, the style of behavior, movements and the faces of different types of characters lost forever...