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Baover Tit CD-Rom



Baover Tit è il primo oggetto d’autore realizzato col sostegno di Netmage. Fa parte di un modulo di creazioni concepite da Qubogas (di cui il primo è stato un live con Scratch Pet Land) dopo aver conseguito il primo premio nell’edizione a bando di Netmage 02. Il cd è un insolito ed inedito viaggio nell’immaginario di uno dei team di ricerca più vivi ed interessanti affacciatisi sulla ribalta internazionale nell’ultimo dedennio. Baover tit è presentato con un workshop/incontro in anteprima assoluta.

cd rom/coproduzione Netmage festival

musiche di Scratch Pet Land (Laurent & Nicolas Baudoux)
codice David Deraedt
tiratura limitata di 300 copie

Baover Tit is the first authored object ever realized with Netmage support. It's part of a form of creation conceived by Qubogas (whose first was a live event with Scratch Pet Land) after having won first prize upon answering the international call of Netmage 02. The cd is an uncommon and unreleased voyage into the imagination of a member of the most active and interesting research team expressed on the international stage front of the last decade. Baover tit is presented with a workshop/meeting in a world premiere.

Baover Tit, is a semi randomized and interactive animation where users can interact on graphics and sounds. The project is  conceived as a succession of 5 chapters, each one of them includes 5 scenes. Baover Tit is a stroll throught surreal and poetic landscapes where scribbles, graffitis and other colorful abstractions clash in anarchic compositions. The sound tampering of Scratch Pet Land bring an hint of magic combining marvellous D.I.Y. and melodic lucky bags! Baover Tit is a whimsical and fanciful world where magic mushrooms and multicolored ferns seem to be the master on board!

cd rom/coproduction Netmage 03
music by Scratch Pet Land (Laurent & Nicolas Baudoux)
code by David Deraedt
limited edition of 300 copies
50 copies 'DeLuxe Edition' include an original and numbered silkscreen