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K(h)ar-t- from Khot to Krutch to Vhod. I’m not, I'm knot



K(h)ar-t- from Khot to Krutch to Vhod. I’m not, I'm knot documenta l’intero tragitto compiuto in auto da YEAH YOU da Utrecht ad Amsterdam, diretti in tour al Sonic Acts Festival. La ripresa della scena dell’abitacolo vede i due performer che improvvisano in una delle loro tipiche traversate sonore, fino a che finisce sul nero, quando la videocamera piazzata sul cruscotto cade sul fondo della macchina, regalandoci alcuni minuti di ombre e riflessi, mentre l'audio prosegue imperterrito. Rimaniamo soli, nel buio, a decifrare i giochi di parole usciti da una filosofia di vita istantanea, dopo l'assalto di beats, synth rudimentali e voce, tanto implacabili quanto imprevedibili.

K(h)ar-t- from Khot to Krutch to Vhod. I’m not, I'm knot
videoinstallazione in-car-video (2017)
elettronica e voci Elvin Brandhi & Gustav Thomas
registrato in una Renault Clio nera


K(h)ar-t- from Khot to Krutch to Vhod. I’m not, I'm knot is a video documenting the entire journey by car from Utrecht to Amsterdam by YEAH YOU, on tour at the Sonic Acts Festival. Blunted beats, rudimentary synth contortions, and haphazard vocals as relentless and unpredictable, recorded on the dark night city-scape. The recording, made with a camera placed on the dashboard, of the cockpit scene with the two performers improvising in one of their typical car sound sessions, ends up in black, when it falls on the floor, giving us a few minutes of shadows and reflections, while the audio continues undaunted. We are left alone, in the dark, to decipher the puns of an instant life philosophy.

K(h)ar-t- from Khot to Krutch to Vhod. I’m not, I'm knot
in-car-video (2017), pulled from the artists' archive of hundreds
electronics and voices Elvin Brandhi & Gustav Thomas
recorded in a black Renault Clio