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Rehab Training (ANNULLATO)

una performance di Geumhyung Jeong

12/11/2020 - 14/11/2020
P420 Bologna

Giovedi 12, venerdì 13 e sabato 14 novembre 2020, alle ore 19.00 (*) Live Arts Week IX presenta Rehab Traininguna durational performance di Geumhyung Jeong, negli spazi della galleria P420.

Artista e performer, Geumhyung Jeong osserva da vicino la sua società di provenienza, la Corea del Sud, e il suo intrico di convenzioni e credenze, sogni e desideri nascosti, spesso tenuti assieme da una morale contraddittoria. Laggiù, accanto al consumismo sfrenato e al trionfo del tecnologico, in una società ancorata al comando patriarcale incluse le politiche sessuali e di ruoli (potere e piacere), continuano a sussistere fantasmi, spiriti e revenants ancestrali. In coreano 그분(Gbun) è il termine che designa l’istanza che prende una decisione: non è né personale né collettiva, né soggettiva né sociale. Viene, si presenta e scompare. A questa modalità sembra ispirarsi il procedere dell’artista, che ha un background tra coreografia e animazione. In Rehab Training Geumhyung esegue un programma di training applicato ad un manichino maschio a grandezza naturale, usato nel settore sanitario per formare gli infermieri, in un ipnotico ciclo di lavoro. Emerge da un iniziale atteggiamento clinico e impersonale, nell'esecuzione di compiti semplici e concreti per la riabilitazione di questo 'lui', un duo coreografato che si evolve attraverso manipolazioni, gesti e sguardi, evocando potenze di dipendenza, fascinazione, frustrazione. La riabilitazione è un percorso nel perturbante in cui sfuma il confine tra soggetto e oggetto. Muovendosi lungo questa linea sottile tra esecutore ed eseguito, tra performer e performato, Geumhyung rende visibile l’ineludibile legame tra il nostro corpo e il desiderio macchinico.

E' in corso Upgrade in Progress, la prima personale di Geumhyung Jeong in Italia (Fondazione Modena Arti Visive, Palazzina dei Giardini, 6 marzo > 20 settembre 2020).

Geumhyung Jeong, nata in Corea del Sud, è coreografa, artista visiva e performer. Ha studiato recitazione alla Hoseo University di Asan, danza e performance alla Korean National University of Arts di Seoul e cinema di animazione alla Korean Academy of Film Arts di Seoul. Il suo lavoro esplora il potenziale del corpo, la sua sensualità e il potere di modificare l'ambiente circostante, combinando linguaggi e tecniche derivati dalla danza, il teatro di figura e le arti visive. Tra le sue performance: Oil Pressure Vibrator, 7 ways, Fitness Guide, CPR Practice, Rehab Training, Homemade RC Toy, e tra le mostre/installazioni: Private Collection: Unperformed Objects, Spa & Beauty. Ha esposto in istituzioni internazionali di arte contemporanea e partecipato a festival di live arts tra cui Tate Modern (Londra), Kunsthalle Basel, Liveworks Festival (Sidney), PuSh Festival (Vancouver), Atelier Hermes (Seul), New Museum Triennial (New York), Zürcher Theater Spektakel (Zurigo), Delfina Foundation (Londra), SPIELART Festival (Monaco), ImpulsTanz Festival (Vienna), Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Bruxelles), Time-Based Art Festival (Portland), Kyoto Experiment, Taipei Arts Festival. Ha ricevuto il premio Missulsang Foundation Hermès e il premio Excellence for Alternative Vision al Seoul New Media Art Festival.

durational performance (180 min.), prima italiana
ideazione, regia, performance Geumhyung Jeong
coproduzione PACT Zollverein (Essen), Audio Visual Pavilion (Seoul)
col supporto di Arts Council Korea
management partner in crime

P420 - Via Azzo Gardino 9 - Bologna - www.p420.it

(* capienza limitata, prenotazione: info@xing.it)



On Thursday 12, Friday 13 and Saturday 14 November 2020 at 7pm (*) Live Arts Week IX presents Rehab Traininga durational performance by Geumhyung Jeong at P420 art gallery.

Rehab Training. South Korean choreographer and performance artist Geumhyung Jeong always falls in love with the objects she handles and collects. Her approach follows the logic of invocation and incantation, and draws from both the puppeteer’s knowledge and actor's technique. 그분 (Gbun) is
the instance that takes a decision. It is neither personal nor common, neither subjective nor social. It comes, performs and disappears. In South Korea, alongside mass production, consumerism and technological saturation, in a society anchored in patriarchal command including sexual and role policies, ghosts, spirits and revenants are still pretty much alive. Geumhyung Jeong looks closely at this society, its often contradictory convictions and morals, its dreams and hidden desires. She slows down the speed of her being, and turns this prolonged temporality into uncanny sensuality. The performative situations she establishes are vortexes, in which the living and the non-living meet. In Rehab Training she invites the audience to witness her programme of physical training for a humanoid dummy, clinically rehabilitating ‘him’ by means of concrete tasks. A duet evolves from common gestures, gazes and manipulations. She moves oscillating between a service professional’s distance and a personal touch, between human flesh and the objectual presence of plastic and metal, between herself and the technically mediated world around her. Moving along this fine line between executor and executed, between performer and performed, she transcends the dichotomies by undermining given patterns, constantly renegotiating the relationship between the human body and the objects or machines that surround it, between subject and object, the master and the slave. Who controls who?

The first solo exhibition of Geumhyung Jeong in Italy, Upgrade in Progress, is open at Palazzina dei Giardini, Fondazione Modena Arti Visive, from 6 March to 20 September 2020.


Geumhyung Jeong is a South Korea-based choreographer, visual and performance artist. She studied Acting at Hoseo University in Asan, Dance and Performance at the Korean National University of Arts in Seoul and Animation Film at the Korean Academy of Film Arts in Seoul. Jeong’s work explores the potential of the body, its sensuality and its power to change its surroundings, combining languages and techniques from the fields of contemporary dance, performance, puppet theatre and the visual arts. Performances: Oil Pressure Vibrator, 7 ways, Fitness Guide, CPR Practice, Rehab Training, Homemade RC Toy. Exhibitions and installations: Private Collection: Unperformed Objects, Spa & Beauty. She has exhibited works and performed internationally at Tate Modern (London), Kunsthalle Basel, Liveworks Festival (Sidney), PuSh Festival (Vancouver), Atelier Hermes (Seoul), New Museum Triennial (New York), Zürcher Theater Spektakel (Zurich), Delfina Foundation (London), SPIELART Festival (Munich), ImpulsTanz Festival (Wien), Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels), Time-Based Art Festival (Portland), Kyoto Experiment, Taipei Arts Festival and many others. In 2016 was the winner of the Hermès Foundation Missulsang award, and in 2009 of the Excellence Award for Alternative Vision at the Seoul New Media Art Festival.

durational performance, italian première
concept, direction, performance Geumhyung Jeong

production supported by Arts Council Korea

coproduction PACT Zollverein (Essen), Audio Visual Pavilion (Seoul)

production management  partner in crime

P420 - Via Azzo Gardino 9 - Bologna - www.p420.it

(* limIted capacity, booking requIred: info@xing.it)

